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is Changing

Rapid changes in technology are affecting leaders in challenging ways.

“If organizations and leaders prioritize technology (i.e., generative AI) without strategically considering the impact on their employees and teams, the harmful consequences and risks will likely be very high.”
—Donna Prigmore

Everyone is accustomed to change, but not so if the pace of change happens faster than we can adjust to it, which is exactly what is happening today with the speed of technology. The combination of baby boomer (senior) leaders, the exploding advancement of artificial intelligence, and an incredibly diverse workforce who have mixed comfort levels with digital technology, means leaders need to adapt, and adapt quickly.

The digitization of organizations is great and can lead to positive results, but not if it’s at the expense of employee morale and retention rates. This is because at a basic soulful level human beings are hard-wired for connections, belonging, and relationships, and long to be valued and appreciated. They’re also resistant to change and many, especially the Gen Ys and Baby Boomers, fear technology, and in particular, artificial intelligence.

This is why, as with all transformative eras, adaptations are key. There’s never been a more important time to ensure new, emerging and seasoned leaders are prepared to lead with grace and grit for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

No one is ever born with a leadership silver spoon in their mouth, and today it’s no different. Organizations and their leaders who elect to stand still rather than embrace these leadership and technological changes will be left behind, far behind. Technology isn’t good or bad in and of itself. It’s about how people choose to embrace it. Once a new technology (think generative AI) rolls over a leader, if they’re not part of the steamroller, they’re part of the road.

That’s why with the right training, education, development and mentoring, great human-centered leaders can achieve peak performance in an AI-centered world.